Tuesday, April 12, 2011

  • Intro screen: Eat, Turtle, Eat!

  • Team Introduction: Give the names and roles of all team members (no last names) Estefanie, Iliana, and me.Estefani and Iliana do the game screens and I do the buttons. Sometimes i do the game screen.

  • Audience: We are designing the game for kids in 6th grade.

  • Gameplay: The player is a turtle, he as to avoid falling down trash mean while he as to get the jelly fish to earn points. If you get hit you lose a life. You have to get all the jelly fish under 1 minute and 30 seconds.

  • Learning Goal: The player will learn that water pollution is really bad for us and the animals like the turltle. 

  • Fun Factor: What makes our game fun is that you get to learn about pollution and be a turtle in the game

  • Smart Factor: Our game teacheas water pollution by avoiding the trash thats coming down.

  • Style Factor:  Our turtle moves foward, backwards, left,  and right.

  • Originality Factor: What makes your game special and unique? Why will it sell? What makes our game unique is that its fun and educational.